Jurusan Universitas Trisakti
jurusan universitas trisakti

3.1.4 Faculty of Economics and BusinessUtk di Jakarta utk jurusan perminyakan ada. 8128, 8140 Fax: (62-21) 5671356 Kyai Tapa No.1, Grogol Jakarta 11440 Telp.: (62-21) 5663232 ext. Gedung Syarief Thayeb Kampus A Universitas Trisakti Jl. Universitas Trisakti memiliki catatan sejarah panjang bagi Indonesia, terutama. Universitas Trisakti merupakan salah satu universitas swasta tertua di Indonesia dan merupakan satu-satunya Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang didirikan oleh Pemerintah Repubik Indonesia, pada tanggal 29 November 1965.

Akademi ini menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi yang pertama kali membuka program studi Teknologi Grafika.Biaya Kuliah Trisakti Sudah tentu bagi mahasiswa berkewajiban membayar uang kuliah selama masa studi di Universitas Trisakti. Trisakti School Of Multimedia sudah didirikan sejak tahun 1985 dengan nama aslinya yaitu Akademi Teknologi Grafika Trisakti atau sering disingkat dengan ATG Trisakti. 3.1.5 Faculty of Civil Engineering and PlanningSekolah Tinggi Manajemen Transportasi Trisakti adalah salah satu Universitas yang termasuk dalam daftar Universitas pada situs yang terletak di kotSejarah Singkat Trisakti School Of Multimedia. Akreditasi paling tinggi diantara jurusan perminyakan diantara 3 universitas lain yaitu B utk jurusan TP di 3 univ lain masih C setau saya, disini juga ada jurusan Pertambangan juga

Faculty of Economics with two subjects (Economics and Accounting)Since 1980, several additional faculties were established to cope with fast technological development in Indonesia. Faculty of Engineering with five departments (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering Architecture and Fine Arts) Many former students were banned over allegations of ties to the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).Trisakti University (1965-onwards) There were originally five faculties at Trisakti University: The school was destroyed after the attempted coup in Indonesia, Baperki banned, and Trisakti University established to replace the destroyed university. 3.1.8 Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental TechnologyHistory Baperki University (1958–1962) In 1958, Res Publica University was established as Baperki University by Baperki, an organization of Indonesians of Chinese descent.Res Publica University (1962–1965) The name "University Res Publica" was taken from a presidential address delivered by President Sukarno, and means "for the public interest".

jurusan universitas trisakti

C Campus, located at Jl. Faculty of Medical Sciences and Faculty of Dentistry. Kyai Tapa Kav 262 Grogol Jakarta Barat 11440.

This is the main campus of Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti (STPT). IKPN Tanah Kusir Bintaro Jakarta Selatan 12330. D Campus, located at Jl.

100 Grogol Jakarta Barat 11440. G Campus, located at Jl. This campus has another part of Faculty of Economics. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No 107 By Pass, Rawasari, Jakarta Timur 13210.

jurusan universitas trisakti

International Class Doctoral Program with the Maastricht School of Management Netherlands, Colorado State University, USA, Markfield Institute of Higher Education UK, La Trobe University in Australia.In addition, international recognition is characterized by the presence of a number of foreign students from more than five countries. Double Degree Master of Management at the Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands, Markfield Institute of Higher Education UK, La Trobe University in Australia, Prince of Songkla University Thailand, United Emirates University, and the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines. Louis, USA Curtin University, Sydney, Australia Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Science, Utrecht, The Netherlands Northampton University, United Kingdom, Koffie Annan Business School The Netherlands, Saxion University of Applied Science of The Netherlands, Curtin University, Perth Western Australia, Inholland University of Applied Science The Netherlands. Double Degree Bachelor Program on 12 courses with Indiana-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA University of Missouri St.

jurusan universitas trisakti

Although in terms of the amount of research still needs to be improved further. This amount has been far beyond the standard AIPT average amount of research funding per faculty per year to Rp 13 million (> Rp. So, the total of 252 research studies conducted at Rp 5.946.067.000. Additionally, obtained funds from outside of the ministry as much as Rp 283.400.000 and €18,156 or equivalent to Rp 290.496.000.Trisakti University also fund research conducted in each faculty lecturer in 216 studies, carried out by 277 lecturers and 70 students. Lecturers involved in 38 research over 120 lecturers of 742 lecturers at 16% overall. Besides, there are alumni who work abroad, such as in America, Europe, Australia, Canada, Africa, Middle East, China, Malaysia and Singapore.In the field of research, in 20 Trisakti University won the competition to obtain a grant from the Directorate of Research and Community Services, Dikti, total of 39 studies, with details MP3EI 2 studies, 3 Fundamental research grants, competitive grants: 11 studies, Leading Research Universities: 20 studies, RAPID: 1 and 2 studies Doctoral dissertation.

jurusan universitas trisakti